Percentage Complete Progress Bar in SharePoint 2013

% Complete Progress bar in SharePoint 2013

Need to add following Javascript code to MasterPage Gallary. Here we have added tasklist.js file, need to select below content type and other properties.AddMaster

Copy paste below code between start and end to text file, rename it with TaskList.Js




//Please drop me an email if you want code, as I am unable to copy paste in my blog, hence I have given the screenshot of the code.


Need to Add TaskList -> List View webpart to specific page, Edit webpart, under Miscellaneous properties of webpart, provide the path of the TaskList.Js file from where it needs to pick up latest JavaScript code.


After this click on OK , Save and Check in the page. This will show task list %complete as follows.


The main code in TaskList.Js is below, this code arranges nested div and span in proper style, with modification in Span, one can choose to display % Left or right aligned.

Below is the main code from JavaScript function



for queries, suggestions, feedback contact me on


skype: bipin.pankhania